Eibert Jonker


Emotional language
Artistic research, a parallel to science

The biggest problem in the first world at the moment is mental health which is for a large part emotional. Our inability to effectively communicate emotions keeps the problem alive. Therefore I’m looking for a solution.

Emotion is built out of 3 elements;

Affective reality,
What happens inside the body

Conceptual reality,
External believe systems

Social reality,

Mental concepts

The physical self exists within the boundaries of society with the social binding it all together.

The way I work is with artistic research. It exists somewhere between philosophy, art and science. That means that I may rely on different kinds of intelligence. The world as I know it works through spoken and written language. A word has a meaning, this is a concept. And a concept is cognitive. So, communication as we use it now is cognitive.
That begs the question, can we communicate in a non-cognitive way? Emotional communication specifically, in this case. We need to have a look at intelligence, that is the synthesis or processing of input to a form of outcome. So, in the emotional human, where is intelligence found? All the examples below are statements existing in a big gray spectrum.

From these ways of thinking I'm creating my projects. Expanding fastly the ways to look at a problem
such as emotional comunication.

Want to know more, or participate?
Please contact me directly.

Sensory imput to emotional generation 
157 x 58 cm,
Stucloper, heat carving oil paint, plaster