Eibert Jonker

Multi sensory design

Eibert Jonker Colective frame 1

Colective Frame

In this instalation created trough public partisipation, visitors of het Nederlands Openlucht Museum where activated to create a story using found nature. This with a lot of subtle hidden sensory stimulations shaping hundreds of small stories over all ages, generations and beliefs coming together in a collaborative exploration of the human condition.

Eibert Jonker Colective frame 5
Eibert Jonker Colective frame 6
Eibert Jonker Colective frame 4
Eibert Jonker Colective frame 2
Eibert Jonker Colective frame 3
The Red Cross logo.ai

Wheelchair Derby, PaasPop

A race with a few assignments for the participants of the race at the music festival PaasPop.

Trough a positive experience participants get an embodied learning experience about the physical strain for care givers.The public of PaasPop is surprisingly high educated and in positions to make decisions about care in the future.

By remembering the physical strain of the race to direct their decision making.

Created together with Erwin van der Doelen: www.ed-decor.nl

Eibert Jonker zorg derby3
Eibert Jonker zorg derby2
Eibert Jonker zorg derby1
Eibert Jonker Drink ritual coffee

Drinking rituals

You have 3 levels of self.
- Who you think that you are.
- who somebody els believes you to be.
- Who you truly are.
By sharing a drink with someone you don't know you can create a portrait of yourself in the mind of the other.

Trough choosing a drink, figuring out how the ritual works and the positioning

of you in relation to each other you create a portrait of yourself in the mind of the other who they believe you to be.

Eibert Jonker Drink ritual orange
Eibert Jonker Drink ritual tea
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Raak! Windesheim, Zwolle, the Netherlands.

For a scientific research project called RAAK!
A commissioned work to give insight in how it is to experience a stigma.

A stigma is the awereness of the fact that others can preceive a weakness in you.
People enter a room to break with the group in the seminar. They start walking over floorboards hung on springs so you can only focus on the surprising sensation. The walls are calculated to give you a lower body language. This combined with the uncertainty of the floor create a physical response.

When on the centre you can find a place of rest so you can reenter the surroundings finding the awareness that people saw you in a vulnerable position.
A very visible position and the knowledge of weakness in yourself.

Eibert Jonker aSchermafbeelding 2020-01-04 om 13.52.10
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In the middle of the room are 3 dimmer switches on the column.

Each of them go to 1 of the surrounding elements.
All elements emit a unique sent and a color light, creating the possibility to create your own atmosphere and change the mood of the room.

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Abdomunis Inmortalium

Created in cooperation with Erwin van der Doelen, ed-decor.nl
This is my graduation work for Docent Beeldendekunst en Vormgeving, ArtEZ Arnhem.

My first attempt to stimulate all senses in an installation.

By walking in a circle and pushing the bar, the room started pulsating while walking over movable floors to emit a scent and creating sound from the drum in the middle.
As long as people are powering the work, it will stay alive.

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