Eibert Jonker


Fractal humanity

Multi-sensory stimulation to emotional generation


180 x 200 x 40 Wood, Aluminium, Stucloper, Acryl, Stain, Oil Paint, 2024

Emotional reality 1

Eibert Jonker Fractal humanity 1
Eibert Jonker Fractal humanity 2.1

43 x 43 x 12 Wood, Plexiglass, Print, Lichts, 2024

Alternative Intelligence

Emotional reality 2

Eibert Jonker Fractal humanity 2
Eibert Jonker Fractal humanity 1.1

43 x 43 x 12 Wood, plexiglass, Print, Lichts, 2024

Art will square your circle,
Parabolic hyperbolic space

Eibert Jonker art will square your cicle

24 X 24 X 19, Aluminium, Wood, Lamp 2023

24 squared circles

Eibert Jonker 24 squared circles

50 X 50 X 10,5, Aluminium, Steel,
Rubber, Paint, 2023

Art will square your circle,

Mass and material

Eibert Jonker Art will square your cicle material

16 X 17 X 17, Plaster, 2023

16 squared circles

Eibert Jonker 16 squared circles

58 X 58 X 8, Paper, Wood, 2023


Eibert Jonker art will square your cicle3

The Physical Emotional Human

Da Vici's Vetruvius man + Vetrusvius, 2022

Eibert Jonker Da Vinci 1
Eibert Jonker Da Vinci 2
Eibert Jonker Da Vinci 3

La Corbusier, 2022

Eibert Jonker Le Corbusier 4
Eibert Jonker Le Corbusier 3

 Ernst Neufert’s; Architects' Data, 2022

Eibert Jonker Ernst Neufert
Eibert Jonker Da Vinci 3
Eibert Jonker Da Vinci 2
Eibert Jonker Da Vinci 1

36 X 55, Stucloper, Aluminium, Heat carving, Paint

Covid triptic 2020

Eibert Jonker Covid 2
Eibert Jonker covid 1

41 X 57, Stucloper, Aluminium, Heat carving, Paint

Eibert Jonker Le Corbusier 2

35 X 62, Stucloper, Aluminium, Heat carving, Paint

Eibert Jonker covid 3

205 X 75, Stucloper, Wood, Aluminium, Heat carving, Oil paint, Wall paint. Composite of 3 panels

La Condition Humaine

Eibert Jonker Expo La Codition Humaine
Eibert Jonker Expo La Conditon Humaine

A almost 3 months long expo taking place in art galerie Circa Dit, Arnhem.
A collaboration on location with;
Eun Young Lee: leeeunyoung.nl
Carel Lanters: carellanters.nl
And Yun Jei Cho: Site under construction

Ending with a series of pinhole photographs made in cooperation with Carel Lanters.

Drink rituals, 2020

Eibert Jonker Drink ritual orange

40 X 13 X 17, Wood, Plaster,
Aluminium, Steel, Oranges

Eibert Jonker Drink ritual tea

40 X 13 X 18, Wood, Plaster,
Aluminium, Steel, Glass, Tea

Eibert Jonker Drink ritual coffee

40 X 13 X 35, Wood, Plaster, Aluminium, Steel, Glass, Coffee

Experiance in context, 2020

Eibert Jonker Good or bad 1
Eibert Jonker good or bad 2

72 X 120, Paper, Carton, Wall Paint, Ancoustic Paint.
Composite of 2 panels

Eibert Jonker Good or bad 3
Eibert Jonker Good or bad 5

Radiant self, 2020

Eibert Jonker Good or bad 4
Eibert Jonker good or bad 6

50 X 150,
Paper, Carton, Coton, Wall Paint,
Ancoustic Paint.
Composite of 2 panels

50 X 150,
Paper, Carton, Coton, Wall Paint,
Ancoustic Paint.
Composite of 2 panels

Eibert Jonker Expo La Conditione Humaine 200730-0762
Eibert Jonker Fractal Lamp

26 X 26 X 26, Chicken Wire, Lamp

Pinhole Photograpy Dance, 2020

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23 X 15, Photo Paper

Nabla's, 2016

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Eibert Jonker 3d-dansers-pinhole
Eibert Jonker dansers-in-3D.2-1024x553

With special thanks to:
Amit Palgi, Naomi Schouten,
Adrian Thoemmes, Mireia Verón Gallofré.
Students at the Dance Academy, ArtEZ

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Delta's, 2016

Eibert Jonker DSC_6769

50 X 160 X 67

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Eibert Jonker DSC_6742

50 X 50 X 56

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Eibert Jonker DSC_6697

50 X 43 X 25

what you see

Wax, Paravine, Latex, Wood

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